Sixth Government
Prime Minister: Adolfas ŠLEŽEVIČIUS
- Appointed as Prime Minister on 10 March 1993 upon Decree No. 11
- Dismissed from office on 8 February 1996 upon Decree No. 830
- Minister of Environmental Protection Bronius BRADAUSKAS
- Minister of Economy Julius VESELKA, from 9 June 1994 Aleksandras VASILIAUSKAS, from 5 October 1995 Vytas NAVICKAS
- Minister of Energy Algimantas Vladas STASIUKYNAS, from 15 May Arvydas Kostas LEŠČINSKAS
- Minister of Finance Eduardas VILKELIS, from 10 February 1995 Reinoldijus ŠARKINAS
- Minister of Defence Audrius BUTKEVIČIUS, from 28 October 1993 Linas LINKEVIČIUS
- Minister of Culture and Education Dainius TRINKŪNAS, from 15 November 1994 Juozas NEKROŠIUS
- Minister of Forestry Gintautas KOVALČIKAS, from 9 June 1994 Albertas VASILAUSKAS
- Minister of Industry and Trade Albertas Ambraziejus SINEVIČIUS, from 1 June 1993 Kazimieras Juozas KLIMAŠAUSKAS
- Minister of Communications and Information Technology Gintautas ŽINTELIS
- Minister of Social Security and Labour Mindaugas MIKAILA
- Minister of Social Security Teodoras MEDAISKIS, from 20 October 1993 Laurynas Mindaugas STANKEVIČIUS, from 1 July 1994 became Minister of Public Administration Reforms and Local Authorities
- Minister of Construction and Urban Development Algirdas VAPŠYS, from 3 February 1994 Julius LAICONAS
- Minister of Transportation Jonas BIRŽIŠKIS
- Minister of Health Care Jurgis BRĖDIKIS, from 10 November 1994 Antanas VINKUS
- Minister of Education and Science Vladislavas DOMARKAS
- Minister of Justice Jonas PRAPIESTIS
- Minister of Foreign Affairs Povilas GYLYS
- Minister of the Interior Romasis VAITIEKŪNAS
- Minister of Agriculture Rimantas KARAZIJA, from 26 September 1994 Vytautas EINORIS
Last updated: 18-11-2023