Third Government
Prime Minister: Gediminas VAGNORIUS
- Appointed as Prime Minister on 13 January 1991 upon Decision No. 1-938 of the Supreme Council
- Dismissed from office on 21 July 1992 upon Decision No. 1-2752 of Supreme Council
Prime Minister's deputies:
- Vytautas PAKALNIŠKIS, (concurrently held the office of the Minister of Justice till 23 July 1992)
- Algis DOBROVOLSKAS, (concurrently held the office of the Minister of Social Security till 23 July 1992)
- Minister of Economy Vytas NAVICKAS, from 30 May 1991 Albertas ŠIMĖNAS
- Minister of Energy Vaidotas AŠMANTAS
- Minister of Finance Elvyra Janina KUNEVIČIENĖ
- Minister of Defence Audrius BUTKEVIČIUS
- Minister of Culture and Education Darius KUOLYS
- Minister of Forestry Vaidotas ANTANAITIS, from 23 January 1992 Jonas Rimas KLIMAS
- Minister of Trade Albertas Ambraziejus SINKEVIČIUS (till 2 December 1991)
- Minister of Trade and Natural Resources Vilius ŽIDONIS (from 3 October 1991)
- Minister of Communications and Information Technology Kostas BIRULIS, from 4 December 1991 Alfredas Antanas Basevičius (temporary appointment)
- Minister of Construction and Urban Development Algimantas NASVYTIS
- Minister of Transportation Jonas BIRŽIŠKIS
- Minister of Health Care Juozas OLEKAS
- Minister of International Economic Relations Vytenis ALEŠKAITIS
- Minister of Foreign Affairs Algirdas SAUDARGAS
- Minister of the Interior Petras VALIUKAS
- Minister of Agriculture Rimvydas Raimondas SURVILA
- Minister without Portfolio Aleksandras ABIŠALA
Last updated: 18-11-2023