Prime Minister's Team

Name, surnamePositionPh. numberEmail
Elžbieta Žurovska-Puodžiūnienė Head of the Bureau of the Prime Minister +370 5 2098874[email protected]
Gabija Kalvelytė-Silienė Adviser +370 5 2098822[email protected]
Rūta Šimkevičiūtė Adviser +370 5 2098753[email protected]
Name, surnamePositionPh. numberEmail
Ramunė Zaicevienė Chief specialist +370 5 2098876[email protected]
Name, surnamePositionPh. numberEmail
Gediminas Černiauskas Adviser to the Prime Minister on Economy and Finance +370 5 2098914[email protected]
Evaldas Navickas Adviser to the Prime Minister on Health +370 5 2098819[email protected]
Justinas Argustas Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Relations and Media +370 5 2098988[email protected]
Tadas Vinokur Adviser to the Prime Minister on Relations with Public Institutions +370 5 2098864[email protected]
Povilas Saulevičius Adviser to the Prime Minister on Regional Policy, Non-Governmental Organisations and Sports +370 5 2098828[email protected]
Edita Utarienė Adviser to the Prime Minister on Culture +370 5 2098811[email protected]
Aleksandr Radčenko Adviser to the Prime Minister on Ethnic Communities and Law +370 5 2098867[email protected]
Svetlana Tučkė Adviser to the Prime Minister on Social Policy +370 5 2098820[email protected]
Matas Drukteinis Adviser to the Prime Minister on Culture and UNESCO +370 5 2098744[email protected]
Gabriel Gorbačevski Adviser to the Prime Minister on Energy +370 5 2098754[email protected]
Marius Skarupskas Adviser to the Prime Minister on Education, Innovation and Infrastructure +370 5 2098921[email protected]
Vigilijus Jukna Adviser to the Prime Minister on Agriculture +370 5 2098985[email protected]
Artur Liudkovski Adviser to the Prime Minister on Bilateral Relations between Lithuania and Poland and Relations with the Diaspora +370 5 2098856[email protected]
Giedrė Purvaneckienė Adviser to the Prime Minister on Family Policy and Equal Rights +370 5 2098612[email protected]
Kęstutis Kudzmanas Chief advisor on International Relations +370 5 2098857[email protected]
Update date: 2025-02-17